  1. Actueel


Criminele Carrière en Levensloop Studie

Hoe verloopt de ontwikkeling van crimineel gedrag van de vroege jeugd tot ver in de volwassenheid? Wat zijn de effecten van belangrijke gebeurtenissen in het leven op die criminele ontwikkeling en hoe beïnvloedt het criminele gedrag zelf andere aspecten van de levensloop? Wat zijn de bedoelde en onbedoelde effecten van justitieel ingrijpen op het criminele […]

KIDS project

Research has demonstrated that children experience negative developmental outcomes as a result of their parent’s imprisonment, such as behavioural problems, mental health issues and learning problems, which often extend into adulthood. Most of this research assumes that problems occur as a result of the imprisonment period itself. Less is known about the experiences of children […]

Europese subsidie voor NSCR en VU Criminologie

Het NSCR en de sectie Criminologie van de Vrije Universiteit hebben met een internationaal consortium een omvangrijk project gehonoreerd gekregen binnen het Europese Horizon 2020 programma. Het project (PROTON) richt zich op de sociale, psychologische en economische processen die van invloed zijn op daderschap en criminele netwerkvorming bij georganiseerde misdaad, terrorisme en cybercriminaliteit. In dit […]

Allegations of Sexual Abuse of Children in Divorce Procedures

Towards Evidence-Based Guidelines This research focuses on the rare but serious cases where one parent accuses the other of sexual abuse of one of the children, while the couple is in a divorce procedure, or already separated. Divorce procedures can be a natural moment for sexual abuse to be revealed. During marriage, the other parent […]

Virtual burglary project

Watching offenders commit crime is an excellent way to increase our knowledge of it, but only rarely possible as police officers, let alone researchers, are rarely on site when offenders strike. The Virtual Burglary project regards a collaboration between the NSCR, the Network Institute Tech Labs (VU University), and the University of Portsmouth (UK) and […]

Cyber Crime Offender Profiling: The Human Factor Examined (Cyber COP)

In this research, which is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we examine the profiles of cybercrime offenders. Research on the human factor in cybercrime has not kept pace with research and innovation regarding its technological dimensions. Yet, while the latter may be able to defuse a threat, they do little to […]

Determinants and consequences of a procedurally just treatment of prisoners

This project focuses on procedural justice in prisons. In this project procedural justice refers to prisoners’ perceptions of the fairness of procedures in prisons, the interpersonal treatment within prison (e.g. being treated with respect and humanity), and positive and constructive officer-prisoner relationships. The first aim is to examine to what extent contextual factors within prisons […]

Prisoners’ mental and physical health

Persons with health problems are largely overrepresented in the criminal justice system. This overrepresentation is particularly pronounced in prisons. For instance, compared with the general population, adult prisoners have a two- to four-fold increased chance of major depression and experience substantially elevated levels of psychological distress. In addition, physical health problems, like hypertension, asthma and […]

The influence of awareness space on crime location choice

Why do crimes occur where they do? According to Brantingham and Brantingham’s crime pattern theory crime occurs at locations where attractive opportunities overlap with awareness spaces of individuals motivated to commit crime. A person’s awareness space consists of locations where time is spend during daily routines, for example home, school, work, leisure locations or home […]

Unemployment and crime since 1920

The relationship between the labour market and criminal behaviour has been of longstanding interest in the social sciences. The intuitive appeal of the argument that improving labour market conditions causes individuals to commit less crime, while apparently self-evident, is supported by empirical evidence, mostly focusing on the post WWII period. Typical analyses have exploited geographical […]

Children of incarcerated mothers

When fathers are incarcerated, in many cases the mother remains at home to take care of the children. In contrast, research carried out abroad has shown that when mothers are incarcerated there is seldom any father present to take over care of the children. As the mother can no longer care for her children, they […]

NSCR data in EASY online analysis tool

The metadata of certain datasets of the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement are available through the DANS EASY online analysis tool. This tool offers more detailed information on the content of (a selection of) NSCR datasets such as the background, sampling and population. The online analysis tool also facilitates the […]