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Cyber Crime Offender Profiling: The Human Factor Examined (Cyber COP)

In this research, which is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we examine the profiles of cybercrime offenders. Research on the human factor in cybercrime has not kept pace with research and innovation regarding its technological dimensions. Yet, while the latter may be able to defuse a threat, they do little to […]

Determinants and consequences of a procedurally just treatment of prisoners

This project focuses on procedural justice in prisons. In this project procedural justice refers to prisoners’ perceptions of the fairness of procedures in prisons, the interpersonal treatment within prison (e.g. being treated with respect and humanity), and positive and constructive officer-prisoner relationships. The first aim is to examine to what extent contextual factors within prisons […]

Prisoners’ mental and physical health

Persons with health problems are largely overrepresented in the criminal justice system. This overrepresentation is particularly pronounced in prisons. For instance, compared with the general population, adult prisoners have a two- to four-fold increased chance of major depression and experience substantially elevated levels of psychological distress. In addition, physical health problems, like hypertension, asthma and […]

The influence of awareness space on crime location choice

Why do crimes occur where they do? According to Brantingham and Brantingham’s crime pattern theory crime occurs at locations where attractive opportunities overlap with awareness spaces of individuals motivated to commit crime. A person’s awareness space consists of locations where time is spend during daily routines, for example home, school, work, leisure locations or home […]

Unemployment and crime since 1920

The relationship between the labour market and criminal behaviour has been of longstanding interest in the social sciences. The intuitive appeal of the argument that improving labour market conditions causes individuals to commit less crime, while apparently self-evident, is supported by empirical evidence, mostly focusing on the post WWII period. Typical analyses have exploited geographical […]

Children of incarcerated mothers

When fathers are incarcerated, in many cases the mother remains at home to take care of the children. In contrast, research carried out abroad has shown that when mothers are incarcerated there is seldom any father present to take over care of the children. As the mother can no longer care for her children, they […]

The role of peers in delinquent behaviour of adolescents

The aim of this study is to get more insight into the role of peers in the development of problem- and delinquent behaviour in adolescents. Data are derived from the longitudinal NSCR Schoolproject, in which secondary school students were surveyd repeatedly (2002-2004). The questionnaire of this study asked participants to nominate friends from a list […]

Juvenile sex offenders

This project aims to investigate the problems and criminal careers of juvenile sex offenders, en to assess the effectiveness of treament. Juvenile sex offenders are an understudied group. At the same time, it appears that a relevant proportion of adult sex offenders often started offending sexually at an early age. Juvenile sex offenders are not […]

Visual and audio recordings of interrogations are important for criminal proceedings

Research by Malsch and colleagues has found that official police reports provide information on only a small part of suspect interrogation proceedings. For example, they do not inform on whether the suspect was put under pressure. If official police reports do not accurately represent a suspect interrogation this may affect the decision a court comes […]

Aandachttest voorspelt behandeluitval van gedetineerden

Een simpele neuropsychologische aandachttest zou kunnen voorspellen welke gedetineerden vroegtijdig stoppen met gedragsinterventies in detentie. Deze bevinding is één van de uitkomsten van het promotieonderzoek van Liza Cornet. De bevinding is interessant, omdat neurowetenschappelijke inzichten momenteel niet of nauwelijks een rol spelen in de justitiële praktijk. In de afgelopen decennia is er steeds meer onderzoek […]

Levens van vrouwelijke gedetineerden

Waarom stoppen sommige vrouwen met het plegen van delicten, en andere vrouwen niet? Hoe ziet het gezinsleven van vrouwen eruit, tijdens en na detentie, en wat voor invloed heeft dit op hun criminele carrière? Welke ‘research gaps’ bestaan er in het onderzoek naar gedetineerde vrouwen? Deze en andere vragen kwamen afgelopen week aan bod tijdens […]

Nieuwe publicatie: Sex Offenders: A Criminal Career Approach

Interventies voor zedenmisdrijven zijn vaak gebaseerd op veronderstellingen over de criminele carrières van zedendelinquenten. Zo wordt vaak aangenomen dat zedendelinquenten veel delicten blijven plegen gedurende hun leven en dat ze gespecialiseerd zijn in zedenmisdrijven. De wetenschappelijke basis voor deze veronderstellingen is echter beperkt. Hier is nu verandering in gekomen met het nieuwe boek Sex Offenders: […]