title = {From Extreme Ideas to Violent and Nonviolent Outcomes: An In-Depth Analysis of Probation Files on Terrorist Suspects in the Netherlands},
author = {F Thijs and E Rodermond and E R Kleemans },
url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/09546553.2024.2344552},
doi = {https://doi.org/10.1080/09546553.2024.2344552},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-22},
journal = {Terrorism and Political Violence},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
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title = {Informers Up Close: Stories from Communist Prague},
author = {M Drumbl and B Holá },
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publisher = {Oxford University Press},
keywords = {},
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title = {Why do users continue to contribute to darknet Child Sexual Abuse Material forums? Examining social exchange, social capital, and social learning explanations using digital forensic artifacts.},
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title = {The Defendant as the Reluctant Player in the Adversarial Setting of Medical Dispute Committees},
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title = {Hoe handelen agenten bij conflicten tussen burgers? Een onderzoek op basis van video-opnames.},
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title = {Better safe than sorry? Police officers’ identification of and responses to vulnerable crime victims},
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title = {The Anticipatory, Short-Term, and Long-Term Effects of Parental Separation and Parental Death on Adolescent Delinquency},
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title = {It's just a distance thing: Affordances and decisions in online disclosure of sexual violence victimization},
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title = {Familiar locations and similar activities: Examining the contributions of reliable and relevant knowledge in offenders’ crime location choices. },
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title = {Extremist beliefs and child protection},
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title = {Procedural Justice Spill-Over and Recidivism After Release From Prison},
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title = {Perceptions of Probation Officer Procedural Justice and Recidivism: A Longitudinal Study in the Netherlands},
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title = {Understanding the Relation Between Agency and Communion and Victim Impact Statements},
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title = {Ineffectiveness of the Right to Compensation for Victims of Sexual Violence: A Comparison Between Five EU Member States},
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title = {Guest Editors’ Introduction: Europe as a Comparative Site on Victim Participation in Criminal Justice},
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title = {Stolen data markets on Telegram: a crime script analysis and situational crime prevention measures},
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journal = {Trends in Organized Crime},
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title = {Sweeter than honey: Are Gmail accounts associated with greater rewards at a higher risk of hijacking?},
author = {D Stibbe and S Ruiter and W Steenbeek and A Moneva},
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year = {2024},
date = {2024-04-01},
journal = {Computers in Human Behavior Reports},
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