In this research, which is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we examine the profiles of cybercrime offenders. Research on the human factor in cybercrime has not kept pace with research and innovation regarding its technological dimensions. Yet, while the latter may be able to defuse a threat, they do little to tackle its causes. Like any type of crime, understanding the causes of cybercrime requires insight into offender motivations, personality, social networks, and the development of criminal careers. Hence, Cyber Crime Offender Profiling (Cyber COP) is imperative.
This research project applies established insights from criminological research to shed new light on the human factor in cybercrime. In doing so, it identifies several offender characteristics, with a view on developing more effective cybercrime policy and better targeted interventions. In addition, it will be examined to what extent cybercriminals differ from ‘offline’ offenders.
Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg MSc., promovendus, prof. dr. Wim Bernasco, mr. dr. Jean-Louis van Gelder, dr. Stijn Ruiter, promotoren
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