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  1. Veroni Eichelsheim

Prof. Veroni Eichelsheim

Research areas

  • Childhood and adolescence, life-course, & intergenerational continuity of:
    • Quality of family relationships
    • Parenting
    • Problem behaviour and delinquency
    • Domestic violence and child maltreatment
    • Adversity in general
  • Children and adolescents in compulsory (judicial) youth care institutions, and how institutional care affects the life-course of individuals, and may affect generations
  • Life-course development of children of serious offenders


Betrokken bij thema(s)
2022-now Endowed professor of Intergenerational continuity of deviant behaviour, Groningen University
2013-now Senior researcher, NSCR
2012 Postdoc & assistant professor, Criminology, Faculty of Law, Leiden University
2010-12 Researcher at research and documentation center of the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security (research project on juveniles in juvenile justice institutions)
2011 PhD: research project on quality of family relationships and problem behavior in adolescence (Utrecht University, Faculty of Social Sciences)
2005 Degree in Clinical/Forensic Psychology, Leiden University

Other positions

  • Endowed professor of Intergenerational continuity of deviant behaviour, Groningen University
  • Member of the complaints advisory commission of the Dutch Child Care and Protection Board (as of September 2019)
  • Member of the Expert Committee on Multiprobem Families (Kenniscentrum Kinder en Jeugdpsychiatrie/ Center of Expertise on Child and Youth Psychiatry)
  • Chair of ESC (European Society for Criminology) working group on intergenerational criminology
  • Research fellow, Criminology, Faculty of Law, Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam
  • Member of the Judicial Interventions Recognition Committee (Erkenningscommissie Justitiële Interventies)


65 entries « 1 of 2 »


Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Book Chapter
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Journal Article
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I J Stolwijk; S Jak; V I Eichelsheim; M Hoeve
Journal Article
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Book Chapter
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Book Chapter
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Centrum Seksueel Geweld
Book Chapter


I Stolwijk; S Jak; V I Eichelsheim; M Hoeve
Journal Article
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V I Eichelsheim; S G van de Weijer; C C Bijleveld
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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M Van Dijk; S van de Weijer; V Eichelsheim; E Kleemans; M Soudijn
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Journal Article
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M Van Dijk; V Eichelsheim; E Kleemans; M Soudijn; S van de Weijer
Journal Article
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M Hoeve; G J Stams; L Keijsers; V I Eichelsheim;
Opvoeding, gehechtheid, gezinsrelaties en delinquentie
Book Chapter
K Buist; V Eichelsheim; W Cook; P van Lier; H Koot; W Meeus
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Behandeling in JeugdzorgPlus instellingen
Book Chapter
M Hoeve; G Stams; L Keijsers; V Eichelsheim;
Opvoeding, gehechtheid, gezinsrelaties en delinquentie
Book Chapter


Journal Article
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Journal Article
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M Van Dijk; E Kleemans; V Eichelsheim
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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M Dirkse; M Bruggeman; V Eichelsheim; P van der Laan; J Ascher
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T Huijsmans; V I Eichelsheim; F Weerman; S J T Branje; W H J Meeus
Journal Article
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J Loncke; V I Eichelsheim; S J T Branje; A Buysse; W H J Meeus; T Loeys
Journal Article
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L H Berckmoes; R Reis;
Book Chapter
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Book Chapter
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Book Chapter
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Book Chapter
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V I Eichelsheim; A Blokland; W H J Meeus; S J T Branje
Journal Article
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V I Eichelsheim; L H Berckmoes; B Holá; T Rutayisire; A Richters
Journal Article
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A M M van Dijk; Kleemans E.R.; V I Eichelsheim
Journal Article
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A J E Dirkzwager; P Nieuwbeerta; K A Beijersbergen; A Q Bosma; R de Cuyper; J Doekhie; V Eichelsheim; S de Goede; P H van der Laan; W Lamet; H Palmen; Raaijmakers. E.; A Ramakers; J Reef; S van der Stelt; M Wensveen; H Wermink
Journal Article
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M Dirkse; V Eichelsheim; J Asscher; P van der Laan
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Boekbespreking dissertatie: “A dyadic analysis of the role of preference disconfirmation in the explanation of intimate partner violence”, Emma Jaspaert, Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Journal Article
V I Eichelsheim; B Holá; L H Berckmoes; T Rutayisire; A Richters
Technical Report
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Zoals de ouden zongen, piepen de jongen: Over intergenerationele overdracht van (een gedegen) academische opvoeding
Journal Article
H J Janssen; V I Eichelsheim; M Dekovic; G J N Bruinsma
Journal Article
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65 entries « 1 of 2 »

Actuele berichten van Veroni Eichelsheim