There are already more victims from hacking each year than from bicycle theft Online criminality is a new and diffuse form of criminality. That is reason enough for the Ministry of Justice and Security to commission research into whether the victim support policy needs to be adjusted in this regard. Because what is the impact […]
Lecture ‘The cosmological order of the LRA, relevance for the Ongwen trial’
Tuesday 15 May 2018 | 15 – 16:30 AM | VU University | Main Building, Room 02A24 Joseph Kony, the LRA’s leader, claims to be guided by the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual order (the different spirits and spiritual rules) plays an important role in structuring the LRA and the individual fighters’ behaviour. Based on […]
A committee of six national and international experts visited the NSCR in September 2017. The evaluation is part of the six-yearly cycle in which all NWO institutes are assessed, on scientific quality, societal relevance and viability. The committee characterized the NSCR as a world-class institute, where socially relevant research is conducted in a stimulating multidisciplinary […]
Increased mortality risk after parental imprisonment
Earlier research has already shown that children who experienced the imprisonment of a parent, more often show criminal behavior and have more mental health problems. Also research among American toddlers and Danish teens shows a correlation between parental imprisonment and premature death. The new NSCR study goes a step further by looking at mortality during […]
Preventive guardianship: being there is often enough
‘The police cannot do it alone’ is a frequently heard cry. This means that citizens can also be expected to play a role in the fight against crime. Initiatives like Burgernet or Report crime anonymously, are mainly aimed at the help of citizens if a crime has already taken place, for example in detecting the […]
The Oxford Handbook of Offender Decision Making: insight into criminal behaviour
How do criminal choices come about? This question is addressed in virtually every discussion about crime and law enforcement. Yet there is few material available that deals with the decision-making behavior of criminals. Are potential perpetrators deterred by punishment? How do they deal with the chance of being caught? What do emotions have to do […]
Barbora Hola Appointed as Member of the Young Academy of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
Barbora Hola works as Senior Researcher at the NSCR and as Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at VU University Amsterdam. In 2017 she received a WISE fellowship to develop her research line on empirical studies of international criminal law and transitional justice after atrocities. Her research focuses in particular on […]
The Veni is awarded by NWO every year. 1127 researchers submitted a proposal for a Veni grant. These proposals were assessed by means of peer review by broadly composed committees of external experts from the disciplines concerned. The assessment also included personal interviews with the applicants. This time 154 researchers who have recently obtained their […]
Improving Wildlife Protection Strategy and Metrics with Practitioners
Drawing on lessons learned from the Wildlife Crime Analysis programme, NSCR invited the group to collaborate on a series of publications meant to improve wildlife protection strategies and metrics used to measure success. The research produced by this collaboration integrates lessons learned in tiger protection with those learned from protecting elephants and rhinos in Africa. […]
NWO has awarded senior researcher Jean-Louis van Gelder a Vidi grant worth 800,000 euros for his ‘future selves’-project. The grant enables him to develop his own innovative line of research and set up his own research group. Individual Vidi grants enable researchers to do research for five years. NWO awards Vidi grants every year. Crime […]
Three researchers to receive Research Talent funding
The board of the NWO domain Social Sciences and Humanities decided last week which proposals will receive funding under the Research Talent programme. Research Talent offers excellent students in the social and behavioural sciences the opportunity to do PhD research. Three up-and-coming researchers are to conduct PhD research at NSCR with NWO funding, namely Gabriele […]
In May 2017 former director Gerben Bruinsma retired from the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR). To mark this occasion, NSCR organised a symposium on Friday, May 12th 2017, focusing on his contribution to criminology. Gerben Bruinsma obtained his PhD at the University of Nijmegen in 1985. His dissertation examined […]