
Kick-off meeting PhDs in Criminology | 1 December

Many PhD candidates in criminology work on the edges of different disciplines: social sciences, humanities, and even natural sciences. Across different institutions they have common needs and interests. By joining forces, we will broaden their educational opportunities. Therefore, from 2024 onwards, we will organize tailormade PhD courses for future criminologists. Our additional goal is to […]

Inaugural Lecture Veroni Eichelsheim | Intergenerational Continuity of Deviant Behavior

Practical information Symposium: Thursday 14 September 2023, 13.00 – 17.30 Orangerie, Grote Rozenstraat 19, Groningen More information and applying.  Inaugural lecture: Friday 15 September 2023, 16.15 – 17.00 Aula, Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen Registration no later than 8 September via this registration form or join the livestream. Veroni Eichelsheim, senior researcher at the NSCR and […]

Symposium Normativity in Empirical Legal Research | 7 December

Empirical Legal Studies is a domain within legal research that has rapidly expanded. This type of research has enabled academics to move from studying law in books to looking at law in action. However, the use of empirical approaches in researching legal issues has been topic of discussion due to the normative foundations of the […]

Symposium Social Safety: Towards a Restorative University | 19 October

Register for this symposium. We all want a pleasant and safe work and study environment. To create and maintain such an environment, we need to talk about how we treat each other and want to treat each other. The academic environment is known for high competition, temporary contracts and power inequality. This may lead to […]

Collective reparations in international courts and truth commissions

Follow the livestream. This dissertation focuses on substantive remedies that address the harm caused by mass atrocities, these are often referred to as reparations. More specifically, the starting point of this research was the observation that the individual right to reparations has increasingly received a collective character. As this dissertation explores, there is a growing […]

New Recommendation on Rights, Services and Support for Victims of Crime

Prepared by the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC), the Recommendation updates and replaces Recommendation Rec(2006)8 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on assistance to crime victims, which, at that time, proved a useful tool in furthering the issue of victims’ rights across Council of Europe member States. However, significant developments have occurred in […]

OMCG membership increases criminal involvement, but steering role of clubs is limited

Since 2012, an integrated, multi-year approach exists in the Netherlands to prevent “norm violating behavior and undermining crime” among OMCG members [TK 2011-2012, 29 911, no. 59; TK 2011-2012, 29 911, no. 71]. According to the minister, this is not only about involvement in serious and organized crime, such as drug and arms trafficking, but […]

2 – 4 July | Conference Narrative Victimology and Criminology: Overlap, Distinctions and Complexities

Humans are storytelling animals, victims and offenders of crime no different than anyone else. Narrative criminology aims to explain crime and other types of harm as a function of stories that people, as individuals and as groups, tell about the world and themselves in the world. Narrative victimology seeks to do the same regarding people’s […]

Fewer drug dealers present after Light-based interventions are installed in Red Light District

The Red-Light District is a world-famous neighborhood in Amsterdam that countless tourists visit each year to experience the pleasures it offers. Within the Red-Light District there is a high concentration of street dealers trying to sell illegal narcotics to these tourists. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of complaints from visitors, residents […]

Short prison sentences lead to more repeat crime

The study ‘Een oude vraag opnieuw onderzocht: effecten van korte gevangenisstraffen ten opzichte van niet-vrijheidsbenemende straffen op recidive op basis van een instrumentele variabele benadering‘, published in Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, is part of the Veni research of associate professor Hilde Wermink. She collaborated with (inter)national colleagues with different expertise in economics, criminology, criminal law and […]

Documenting human rights violations in Myanmar: the potential for truth-telling and accountability

The violation of human rights has been daily practice in Myanmar for decades. In many regions, such as the Kachin, Rakhine and Shan states, there is armed conflict, ongoing violence and abuse. The Rohingya crisis, which peaked in 2017 and led to many refugees, together with the military coup in February 2021, has further fueled […]

Crime Harm Index: promising method to gain insight into the seriousness of crime

Some crimes are more serious and therefore more harmful to society than other crimes. Therefore, analyzing raw crime counts does not always provide valuable insight into the nature of crime in a particular period or location. For that reason, science and (police) practice underline that when measuring crime it is important to take into account […]