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  1. Valérie Pijlman MSc

Valérie Pijlman MSc

Valérie Pijlman MSc

PhD Candidate

Telephone: +31 (0)20 598 5239
Email: VPijlman@nscr.nl

Research areas

  • Victimology
  • Image-based sexual harassment/abuse
  • Help-seeking after after sexual violence
  • Clinical psychology
  • Cybervictimization
Betrokken bij thema(s)
2021-now PhD Candidate NSCR
2020-21 Junior researcher NSCR
2020 Master Victimology and Criminal Justice (cum laude), Tilburg University
2019 Research internship at the International Victimology Institute Tilburg (INTERVICT)
2019 Master Clinical Psychology (cum laude), Utrecht University
2019 Research and Thesis internship Trimbos Institute
2018-19 Clinical and Diagnostics internship Altrecht




V Pijlman; A Burgmeijer
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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V Pijlman; E Boertien
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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V Pijlman; S van de Weijer; D Boelsz; M Brouwer; R Fijn; M Lemmens; D Smit; M Willers; R Winter
Journal Article
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Journal Article
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Centrum Seksueel Geweld
Book Chapter


Journal Article
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V Pijlman; S G A Van de Weijer; D Boelsz; M Brouwer; R Fijn; D Smit; M Willers; R Winter
Journal Article
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