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  1. Insider witnesses and international criminal justice: Empirical analysis

Insider witnesses and international criminal justice: Empirical analysis

Investigating and prosecuting individuals responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide relies heavily upon witness testimony. Insider witnesses - individuals with a personal link to the crime itself, or the criminal organisation - are key. They bring the critical evidence linking high(er) level perpetrators to the crimes committed on the ground. The reliance upon or dismissal of insider witness testimony can make or break the case.
Insider witnesses and international criminal justice: Empirical analysis
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Publication details and further reading

Chlevickaitė, G., Holá, B. & Bijleveld, C. (2021). Suspicious minds? Empirical analysis of insider witness assessments at the ICTY, ICTR and ICC. European Journal of Criminology (online first).

Insider witnesses and international criminal justice: Empirical analysis
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Dr Gabriele Chlevickaite


Dr Barbora Holá LLM

Senior Researcher

Prof. Catrien Bijleveld LL.M.

Senior Researcher

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