Research on short-term fluctuations in friendships and delinquency
A collaborative study by NSCR and the University of Cincinnati shows that a lot of change occurs in the student network and involvement among adolescents during the first ten weeks in high school. It appears that short term changes in offending are not necessarily related to friendships with delinquent others, but rather to the time […]
Breaking the Cycle of Violence in Post-Conflict Settings: The Potential of Community-Based Socio-Therapy in Rwanda Results of research conducted by the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR) and the Community Based Sociotherapy Programme (CBSP), funded by NWO-WOTRO, Applied Research Fund of the Security and Rule of Law Programme. In Rwanda, […]
Presentation of Cybercrime research agenda | 16 May 2017 | The Hague
When Tuesday 16 May 2017, 11:00 – 11:30 AM. Where The World Café in the World Forum, The Hague (side event of the International One Conference) Programme Introduction by Prof. Thomas Holt (Michigan State University) and Dr Rutger Leukfeldt (postdoc researcher NSCR), editor of the research agenda. Presentation of the research agenda by Prof. Catrien […]
NSCR starts in April 2017 with a study of the characteristics and the history of people suspected of terrorist offenses. This research was funded by the programme ‘Politie en Wetenschap’ and will make a detailed analysis of recorded data on all persons who were accused of ‘crimes with terrorist intent’ in the Netherlands. This group […]
Research project Virtual Burglary for Politie en Wetenschap
The research programme “Politie en Wetenschap” has awarded dr. Jan-Willem van Prooijen (NSCR/VU), mr. dr. Jean-Louis van Gelder (NSCR), Iris van Sintemaartensdijk (NSCR/VU) and prof. dr. Paul van Lange (VU) a research grant of € 60.000 for the project Virtual Burglary Project: Virtual Reality as a way to understand burglars. Politie en Wetenschap finances scientific […]
Most fraudsters commit a versatile range of crime during their lifetime. In that regard, they are more similar to “regular” criminals, rather than the white-collar criminals to whom they are often compared. What does the criminal career of fraud offenders look like? The dominant view in literature is that of a white-collar criminal, with high […]
15 and 16 December 2016 | Symposium Sex Offenders: A Criminal Career Approach
Organizer: NSCR | Date: 15 and 16 December 2016 | Location: VU Amsterdam On the occasion of publishing the volume Sex Offenders: A Criminal Career Approach, edited by Arjan Blokland and Patrick Lussier, the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW), is […]
Simulation-based Prediction and Analysis of Collective Emotional States: SPACES
Unfortunately, these are both expensive, and (currently) have to be placed at a fixed location. In this project we propose the use of data available via social media which constitutes a cost-effective and flexible solution. The widespread use of social media nowadays provides an interesting new angle on monitoring large crowds. Social media are an […]