Out of prison, out of crime? PhD research women after detention
Each year, several thousand women leave one of the three female prisons in the Netherlands. Ideally, they stop committing crimes after their release; in other words, they desist. Rodermond demonstrates in her PhD research that problems with factors such as housing and addiction are more important for successful desistance than family relationships and work. Desistance […]
Research on short-term fluctuations in friendships and delinquency
A collaborative study by NSCR and the University of Cincinnati shows that a lot of change occurs in the student network and involvement among adolescents during the first ten weeks in high school. It appears that short term changes in offending are not necessarily related to friendships with delinquent others, but rather to the time […]
Most fraudsters commit a versatile range of crime during their lifetime. In that regard, they are more similar to “regular” criminals, rather than the white-collar criminals to whom they are often compared. What does the criminal career of fraud offenders look like? The dominant view in literature is that of a white-collar criminal, with high […]
15 and 16 December 2016 | Symposium Sex Offenders: A Criminal Career Approach
Organizer: NSCR | Date: 15 and 16 December 2016 | Location: VU Amsterdam On the occasion of publishing the volume Sex Offenders: A Criminal Career Approach, edited by Arjan Blokland and Patrick Lussier, the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR), sponsored by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW), is […]