  1. Empirical Legal Studies

Empirical Legal Studies

The Empirical Legal Studies (ELS) group conducts empirical studies that focus on the operations of the legal system in a broad sense: civil, administrative as well as criminal justice. Research topics of relevance are for instance divorce law and practice; the role of administrative bodies in decision making in criminal matters; the use of written documents, image and sound in legal cases; victims’ roles and wishes regarding legal processes; and mediation.

Marijke Malsch

Relevant theories in this group are the theory of Procedural Justice, theoretical notions regarding the respective roles of the legislator, the judiciary and the administrative bodies (Trias Politica), recent changes in the relative importance of these roles, and the consequences thereof for principles of fair trial, the quality of decisions in the legal system, theories on human rights and on the role of the victim (Restorative Justice).

Research focus and methods

The ELS group is narrowly related to, and actively seeks cooperation with, the legal field: police, (defense) lawyers, the prosecution service, the probation service, judiciary, administrative bodies, etcetera. The members of this group also collaborate with a national steering group, composed of members of the judiciary and scholars from several national universities, that aims to stimulate empirical legal research in the Netherlands. Studies are by their very nature multidisciplinary. Research methods are both qualitative and quantitative, and the cluster aims to conduct experimental and quantitative approaches are not neglected.

Experts on this theme

Prof. Marijke Malsch LL.M.

Senior Research Fellow

Dr Barbora Holá LLM

Senior Researcher

Dr Nieke Elbers

Senior Researcher

Prof. Henk Elffers

Visiting Research Fellow

Marigo Teeuwen MSc


Dr Martha Komter

Visiting Research Fellow

Robin Kranendonk MSc


Iris Becx MSc

PhD Candidate

Beatriz Mayans LLM

PhD Candidate

Annerie Smolders LL.M.

Visiting Researcher

Mridula Shobinath MSc

PhD Candidate

Marleen Kragting MSc

PhD Candidate

Tessa van der Rijst LLM

PhD Candidate

Marijke Spoelstra MSc

Junior Researcher

Dr Rieneke Stelma-Roorda LLM MSc


Guillem Fernández Villà MSc

Junior Researcher

Empirical Legal Studies: Recent news