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  1. Real-life observations of social distance in public: do people actually do it?

Real-life observations of social distance in public: do people actually do it?

NSCR senior researcher and anthropologist Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard and UvA artificial intelligence professor Cees Snoek work on a project in collaboration with the Amsterdam Police and municipality of Amsterdam to evaluate how people maintain social distance in public spaces during the corona crisis.

Rosenkrantz Lindegaard and Snoek draw on full time recordings of 55 surveillance cameras in Amsterdam to identify hotspots for rule-breaking of the social distancing measures. For their analysis, they apply video artificial intelligence and systematic behavioral coding, in order to establish where in the city people tend to break the rules, e.g. gather in groups for more than a minute. On the short-term, the researchers hope to contribute knowledge that will help prevent further spread of the virus. On the long-term, they will address questions about how citizens and law enforcement officers enforce social rules in public spaces.

For further information please contact Marie Rosenkrantz Lindegaard or Cees Snoek.

Prof. Marie R. Lindegaard

Senior Researcher

Dr Evelien Hoeben


Dr Lisa van Reemst


Carlijn van Baak LLM MA


Prof. Wim Bernasco

Senior Researcher

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