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  1. Jan-Willem van Prooijen

Prof. Jan-Willem van Prooijen

Jan-Willem van Prooijen

Senior Researcher

Telephone: +31 (0)20 598 8851
Email: j.w.van.prooijen@vu.nl

Related websites:
Jan-Willem van Prooijen

Research areas

  • Belief in conspiracy theories
  • Radicalization and extremism
  • Populism
  • Punishment
  • Corruption
  • Procedural justice
2011-now Senior researcher, NSCR
2007-now Associate Professor, Department of Experimental and Applied Psychology, VU
2016-18 President of the International Society for Justice Research
2001-07 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Psychology, VU
2002 PhD thesis Procedural justice and group dynamics, Leiden University
1998-01 PhD student, Leiden University and VU
1998 Research assistent, Leiden University
1998 Graduated at the Departments of Social and Organizational Psychology, and Psychometrics and Research Methodology, Leiden University

Other positions

  • Associate Editor, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
  • Educational Director, Kurt Lewin Institute
  • Board member, ASPO


102 entries « 3 of 3 »


P Strelan; Van J W Prooijen
Retribution and forgiveness: The healing effects of punishing for just deserts.
Journal Article
Van M Bommel; Van J W Prooijen; H Elffers; Van P A M Lange
Intervene to be seen: the power of a camera in attenuating the bystander effect
Journal Article
102 entries « 3 of 3 »

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